Pyrotechnics Tractor & Engine Manuals  Morel Licenses  


Tractor & Engine Manuals

Morel Licenses

Food-Fun & Frivolity
With a little help from my friends

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Morel Licenses







How Our Manuals are Created

     These manuals are typically in pretty poor shape when I get them. They've been sitting in a tractor toolbox for years and pages are torn, grease stained, and mouse nibbled.  Most of them were first scanned with an OCR program that helps to re-format the blurred text, fill in missing letters, and align the images and text. Next, each page goes through a photo editing program to clean up the blurry images, and remove the greasy fingerprints. Then most are sent to a word processor to correct spelling errors.

    Finally the CD manuals are converted to PDF format with a hyperlinked index for easy access. The text is searchable so you don't need to hunt through all the pages for specific information. Just type in the words you're looking for and you'll get a list of pages that contain those words. Try that with a printed manual!

    I am a licensed Adobe Reader™ Distributor and the installation files are included. You won't need to download them. (15.8 MB)

    Please note; Because Parts manuals are primarily tables of numbers, and pages of illustrations, I do NOT run them through an OCR program to reformat the text. To do so would introduce countless errors such as confusing the number 1 with the letter l.

    Naturally, I've imbedded copyright notices through out the pages. Some are visible, and some aren't. I will vigorously pursue any thefts or copyright infringements.

    If you need one of the manuals listed below, let me know and I'll get it in the front of the line.


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Standard twin tractor manual,
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international harvester, ih, john deere, massey harris, massey ferguson, ferguson, case, oliver, allis chalmers, ford, service, operators, owners, engine overhaul, engine, minneapolis moline, magazine,
free shipping, pictures, photos, books, museum, restore, restoration,
collector, collection, order, on-line, clubs, tractor parts, tractor manuals, shop and service manual,
gas engines,

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